O'Neill Kinesiology College

What is Kinesiology


Kinesiology is a holistic approach to long-lasting health and vitality, with results that can be felt immediately.

It melds ancient eastern energetic healing arts with western physiological healing sciences to address a wide-range of physical, emotional, mental, nutritional and spiritual issues. What makes kinesiology unique is that the Kinesiologist is not the dispenser of healing knowledge to the client but rather the facilitator of the body’s own intelligence to be healed and whole.

How does Kinesiology Work?

The major tool used in kinesiology is muscle monitoring, the body’s own biofeedback tool. Muscle monitoring provides access to all the physical, emotional and mental systems of the body and allows the practitioner to see where stress is causing dysfunction. How does this work? Every muscle in the body is connected to our central nervous system (brain) and when our brain registers stress this interferes with the neurological circuit and causes a muscle response. It is from this muscle response that the practitioner can identify all the stresses involved in the clients issue/dysfunction whether it be physical, emotional, mental, nutritional or a combination of these. Through the same muscle response the practitioner can also identify what corrections the body needs to come back into balance

What is a Kinesiologist?

Through a combination of muscle monitoring, acupressure formatting and high quality corrections a skilled practitioner has the tools to that take their client from a state of chaos to healing. Corrections commonly used in kinesiology therapy include meridian and acupressure stimulation, emotional stress release techniques, neurolymphatic and neurovascular stimulation, sound therapy, chakra balancing, aura alignment, flower essences and specific exercises to name a few.

What is Kinesiology Therapy?

In layman’s terms, a Kinesiologist is a detective using the clues from kinesiology health assessments and muscle monitoring to identify imbalances and then apply the appropriate treatments/corrections to re-store balance so healing can occur.

What can Kinesiology Help With?

While kinesiology helps with a wide range of health issues, you don’t need to be sick to see a Kinesiologist. This treatment can help you make positive changes by improving your overall health and well-being. Therapy is varied and can assist with emotional challenges, allergies, sports injuries, and much more. By retraining the muscles and nervous system, a Kinesiologist can open new doors to complete physical and mental health.

Do you want to become a practitioner? At O’Neill Kinesiology College, we offer a range of accredited courses. Contact us today for assistance and start paving the way to a new career and a healthier future.

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