If romantic movies and books are to be believed, relationships require no work and make us happy all the time.
It’s very normal to have ups and downs in your romantic life. Whether you’re navigating a new relationship, having problems deciding whether to move in together or to marry, or having difficulties after children have flown the nest, a relationship is an ever-changing dynamic that needs nurturing.
It might come as little surprise that relationships rate highly on stress scales. Unfortunately, sometimes we might dismiss romantic pain because it’s not a wound you can physically see. But it’s far from a minor issue – in fact, people have been known to die from a broken heart.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be related to long-term partnerships either. If you’ve ever been rejected, you’ll know the gut-wrenching pain that can accompany it. You might feel it as an aching heart, you may have a headache or fatigue, or maybe you have an upset stomach. Brain scans show that rejection feels the same as physical pain and the brain actually registers it the same way. So, if you’re hurting and feeling awful because of romantic problems, you are in no way unusual. Read more about how physical pain and emotional pain are linked in this Scientific American article.
How Kinesiology can help
When we’re stressed, angry or upset, we store tension in our body. Kinesiology is the perfect therapy to release it because the core of the practice is balance.
A Kinesiology session is non-invasive, non-medicated and gentle. The client lies on a massage table, fully clothed, and the practitioner will use one of your arms as their muscle monitoring tool. The Kinesiologist is able to identify physical, emotional, mental and nutritional imbalances, and will then use a variety of techniques to restore the client’s mind-body balance.
When it comes to relationship treatment, Kinesiology can help you balance emotions and challenge psychological blocks, specific triggers and negative thought patterns to help you move forward in your relationships.
It’s a very personalised experience and the type of techniques depends on your issue, you as an individual and more. Techniques may include:
- Meridians and acupoint stimulation (needle-less)
- Muscle stimulation
- Emotional stress release
- Sound therapy
- Specific exercises
- Flower essences and vibrational remedies.
Relationship tips to try at home:
- Your positive interactions should outnumber the negative by five to one. The therapist who initially discovered this ratio found he could positively predict eventual divorce amongst his clients. So, try to compliment your partner more often than criticise.
- Accept both your and their feelings and don’t dismiss feelings as nonsense. It doesn’t matter if you were with someone for five dates or five years; rejection, arguments and bad treatment hurt.
- It’s such a well-worn phrase but still very true: communication is key. Try not to accuse or badger when you’re working through issues. Instead, address the other person with “When that happens, it makes me feel…” rather than throwing the blame onto your partner.
- Get out and do something together that you both enjoy. Even better, try something new and fun.
- If an argument is going nowhere, take a timeout and readdress the problems later, when emotions aren’t running as high.