O'Neill Kinesiology College


Activating The Chakras 3-Day Workshop

Start Date: 21 September, 2024
End Date:23 September, 2024
Price: 450.00

Don’t miss this chance to attend our Activating the Charkras Workshop which is being offered for the very first time. It’s a 3-Day event where you will learn some valuable information about the 7Chakra’s and how to balance them using Kinesiology.

The 3 days will have you learning the following:

  • Basic Muscle Monitoring
  • An Introduction to the Pause Lock
  • You will be learning the origin of the Alarm Points and how they are used in Kinesiology
  • Understanding how each of the 7 Chakra’s influences our emotional& physiological well-being
  • Learning
  • Introducing the Tuning Forks
  • Introducing Flower Essences & how to apply them in Kinesiology
  • Introducing Acupressure & the use of the Tei Shin

You will come away from these 3 days being able to balance the Chakra’s on your friends and family. You will also have a deeper understanding of how Kinesiology can positively impact people’s lives on many levels.


  • Saturday 9am to 6pm
  • Sunday 9am to 6pm
  • Monday 9am to 6pm
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